Belly Button Oiling

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Belly Button Oiling

Have you ever heard of belly button oiling? It is part of Ayurvedic medicine which is a traditional Indian healing practice based on the belief that health and wellness depends on a balance between body, mind, and spirit. The belief is that your belly button is connected to multiple veins in your body and is therefore a chamber that holds the solution to many health problems when it is nourished with oils. Certain oils help you get rid of specific health issues.

There is no harm in putting a little oil in your belly button if you do not press down too hard. Also, be careful with the oils that you use; make sure that you are not allergic to them before putting them on your skin. For best results be consistent with the oiling, place a few drops in your belly button then message it around your belly button in a circular motion for 5 to 10 minutes. Make this a regular part of your daily routine; applying it at night before bed is always a good time.

Some of the recommended oils and their benefits:

Mustard oil is used for digestive issues. It can help relieve bloating, constipation, upset stomach and irritable bowel syndrome.

Lavender oil is used for de-stressing and improving mental well-being.

Olive oil can reduce inflammation and moisturize the skin from head to toe.

Jojoba oil and olive oil for dry hair and scalp.

Castor oil and rosemary oil can help with inflammation and joint pain.

Almond oil will provide a natural glow to your skin.

Mustard oil helps heal dry and chapped lips.

Coconut oil can prevent hair loss and improve hair condition; it can also improve eye health.

Neem oil can clear skin problems, blemishes and prevent acne and pimples.

Some research says that you cannot absorb oils through your belly button while other research claims that you can; either way the application and the scents of the oils can have a calming and relaxing effect when applied to your skin and nowadays we all need all the calm and relaxation that we can get.

We all know that it is through the navel that all nutrition, blood and oxygen is supplied to a baby in the womb so who knows maybe there is truth in this ancient method and belly button oiling is a way of nourishing our body as an adult to help rid it of health issues.

Give it a try and you be the judge as to whether belly button oiling improve your health issues or not.


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