Memorial Day 2022

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Memorial Day 2022

Memorial Day is approaching and your friends at would like to share some information about the holiday and what it means, who knows you might even learn something new.

In the United States Memorial Day is a federal holiday set aside to honor military personnel who died while serving in the US armed forces. It should be a solemn time to reflect on the Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving to defend and protect the great country that they loved so deeply.

This year Memorial Day will be observed on May 30th. From 1868 to 1970 Memorial Day was observed on May 30; the observance day was changed in 1968 in order to create a three-day weekend for federal employees when Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act. Now it is always observed the last Monday in May.

In the past Memorial Day was known as Decoration Day because soldiers would honor their fallen comrades by decorating their graves with flags, flowers, and wreaths. In the 1880s Memorial Day became the official title but it did not legally become Memorial Day until 1967.

Memorial Day dates back to the Civil War; there was over twenty-four cities that claimed to be the birthplace of Memorial Day; however, in May 1966, President Lydon Johnson declared Waterloo, New York as the official birthplace of the holiday.
Throughout the country the holiday will be celebrated in many different ways; parades, family gatherings, visits to a cemetery or memorial to place flags, flowers, or wreaths on the fallen soldiers’ graves. You have probably seen on tv the President of the United States placing a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Solider of this special holiday. Some people wear red poppies on Memorial Day as a symbol of the fallen soldiers. Each year on the West Lawn of the US Capitol Building a concert is held and broadcasted live around the country. Today some still practice the raising of the United States flag quickly to the top of the flagpole then slowly lowering it to half-mast then at noon it is raised again to full height. Lowering the flag to half-mast is meant to honor those who died for their country and re-raising the flag symbolizes the determination of the living to carry on the fight for freedom so that the fallen did not die in vain.

Did you know that the National Moment of Remembrance is an annual event on Memorial Day which encourages all Americans to pause wherever they are at 3:00 their local time to honor and remember those who died while serving in the military in the United States? The act was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on December 28, 2000, and noted, “The observance of a National Moment of Remembrance is a simple and unifying way to commemorate our history and honor the struggle to protect our freedoms.”

Memorial Day is also known as to unofficially mark the beginning of the summer.

However, you are spending your Memorial Day holiday this year, why not take a few minutes and check out our website. Just scroll to the top of the site, click on the “Amazing Deals” Tab and type whatever you need into the Search Field or click on our “Stores” Tab and browse our many merchants. Make sure to message us with feedback on how your shopping experience goes!

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