How Do You Sleep

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How Do You Sleep

You turn off the lights and get yourself ready to snooze. Are you on your back, side, or stomach? There are many different sleeping positions and the position in which you sleep effects your health and may shed some light into your personality traits. The most popular sleeping position by far is the side position, which is also known as the lateral position. There are many types of side sleeping; the fetal, the log, the yearner, and the spooning. The side position may be good for those who snore but if you have some forms of arthritis, sleeping in any side position may make you sore. It is possible that sleeping on your side could be good for your brain. Scientists recently learned that our brains clear out waste more quickly while we sleep. One study performed on rats suggests side-sleeping might clear brain waste more efficiently than other positions. However, one disadvantage of being a side sleeper may appear as you age, because you press down on your face, this position may cause facial wrinkles and cause the skin on your face to expand over time. It has not been scientifically proven yet; however, it is believed that side-sleeping may cause breast sag in women as their breast ligament slowly stretches over time.

More than 40% of people sleep in a curled upside sleeping position with their knees slightly bent forward toward their chest; known as the fetal position. This is the most common position for women. Curling up may restrict your diaphragm and prevent you from breathing deeply. Side sleepers are more likely to be warm, friendly, and sensitive, but they may also have a protective shell them.

The side position known as the log is when you sleep on your side, legs extended straight with both arms down. About 15% of people “sleep like a log”. Loggers are typically social, easygoing, and trusting people.

Yearner is another side position where the arms are ou;t in front of the body; about 13% of people sleep in this side position. The position may be good if you have breathing problems when you sleep, but bad if you suffer from arthritis. Yearners are open, yet cynical and suspicious; generally indecisive, but stick to their guns once they make up their minds.

The spooning side position is for couples; the person in the back holds the one in the front close to their body. A disadvantage to this position is that you may wake up more often, but cuddling can be good for you. It makes your body release a chemical called oxytocin that can help lower your stress, bond you to your partner, and help you get to sleep faster.

Sleeping on your back is the second most popular sleep position. If you suffer from snoring or sleep apnea sleeping on your back may aggravate these conditions; women should avoid this position during late pregnancy. There are health benefits to sleeping on your back; your head, neck, and spine are in a neutral position, so you are less likely to experience neck pain. Sleeping on your back with your head slightly elevated with a small pillow is considered the best sleeping position for heartburn. Back positions include the solider and the starfish.

The solider position is lying on your back with your arms to your side. Your body is in a neutral position without any unusual curves to the spine; it is a healthy position in terms of your spine and body alignment. This position is not a good choice for snoring. Soldier sleepers are quiet and keep to themselves and tend to hold themselves and others to higher standards. 8% of the population favor this position.

In the starfish back position you lie on your back with your arms up near your head, only 5% of people sleep in this way. People who sleep in this position may be prone to snoring and sleep problems; however, they are good listeners and do not want to be the center of attention.

Belly sleeping is the rarest of all positions. Your neck and spine are not in a neutral position when you sleep on your stomach which may cause neck and back pain. Stomach sleeping can put pressure on nerves and cause numbness, tingling, and nerve pain. You are more likely to be restless and toss and turn to get comfortable when you sleep on your belly. Belly sleepers may be more likely to speak their mind and be sociable and outgoing; they also may not be very open to criticism.

Remember the quality of sleep you get is more valuable than the specific position you sleep in.


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